prof. Martin Rusnak, MD, PhD
Department of Public Health, Trnava University, Slovakia

Slides and Lectures
I classified the lectures as I am giving them today.
I try to give lectures in several formats: the basis is a Power Point Presentation (.pptx). In addition, I use MOODLE and TEAMS, there you can usually find the latest versions of PPTX along with the AUDIO recording.
Common icons are used to indicate the format used, an overview of which can be found here.

Topic Note
Introduction to Public Health
Public Health - Introduction
Typically at the beginning of semester for BA students of public health
Global Health
Typically at the end of semester for MA students of public health
Evidence-based Public Health Current practices in public health that are based on scientific evidence
Introduction to Public Health
in English
Uvod u javno zdravlje in Srbian language
EPI I: Propedeutics
Lectures for the 1st year of BA study
EPI II: Surveillance of diseases
Lectures for the 2nd year of BA study
E''pidemiology III: Epi studies design
Lectures for the 1st year of MA study
Epidemiology IV: Surveillance of communicable diseases
Lectures for the 2nd year of MA study
Epidemiology for nurses
Epidemiologia per l'assistenza infermieristica (ITA/ENG)

Lectures for nurses in Italian and English
Science, Research, and Statistics
Scientific writing
Lectures for the 2nd year of MA study
Science and Research for PhD students
Lectures for doctoral students, see also MOODLE
Clinical Epidemiology - PhD
Academic writing
for doctoral students
Demography Introduction
Statistics of health
Biostatistics Books/Readers
Biostatistika PDF in Srbian
Policies and organization of health services
Policy for Health and Health Care
Health and health care policies
Health promotion
Policies like Health in All Policies
Organization of health services I
Ist part
Organization of health services II IInd part
Organization of Health Services III Global health problems
Master of Public Health


Introduction to Public Health
Policies development
Evaluation and Monitoring
History History of public health
Lectures given on conferencies and seminars
ECG PPTX For technicians
Open Source software